wildlife protection

Reflections on Captive Fish Prompted by New Quebec Aquarium Proposal

Opinion commentary by Rob Laidlaw (May 31, 2023) (scroll to bottom to see text of December 11, 2022 Facebook post about proposed aquarium) As a young child I developed a fascination with wildlife of all kinds. At some point that I can’t remember I became particularly interested in fish and […]

Why does Ontario want more penned hunting compounds?

COMMENTS NEEDED BY MAY 18, 2023 The Ontario government’s proposed expansion of hunting dog training and trialing compounds (penned hunting) is another nonsensical and disturbing wildlife use development that should not be supported by anyone, including hunters who consider themselves ethical. The expansion of dog training and trialing compounds is […]

Dispensable lives, zoos and culling (Guest Opinion Editorial)

Guest Opinion Commentary – March 2023 by Shubhobroto Ghosh, Wildlife Research Manager of World Animal Protection (India), author of Dreaming in Calcutta And Channel Islands Following news of zoos and animals in captivity as I do regularly, some recent news of animals being intentionally killed in zoos caught my eye. […]

Support the Jane Goodall Act

A BIG STEP FORWARD FOR ANIMAL PROTECTION IN CANADA DO YOUR PART TO MAKE SURE IT BECOMES LAW! On March 22, 2022, Senator Marty Klyne reintroduced the Jane Goodall Act to the Senate of Canada. The proposed Bill S-241 is a updated version of a bill introduced by Senator Murray […]

Opinion: A Bird Artist Perspective on Birds in Zoos

By Barry Kent MacKay (September 9, 2022) As a part-time professional bird illustrator, I visit a lot of zoos to look at, and sketch, birds. But as a naturalist, a bird-lover, and part time professional animal protectionist, as well as an artist, I spend a lot more time observing birds […]


Wild Horses Heading for Extinction, Make Sure That Doesn’t Happen

Alberta’s Last Wild Horses, Heading toward extinction? Behind closed doors and away from the public eye, Government of Alberta staff have developed their latest wild horse management plan. A draft of the plan is reportedly now on Minister Jason Nixon’s desk waiting for approval. If past plans are any indication, […]

Winnipeg’s New Proposed Rules for Exotic Pets in Jeopardy

Exotic animal owners campaigning against better protection for animals The City of Winnipeg is conducting a review of their Responsible Pet Ownership (RPO) Bylaw and has proposed a number of ideas for improving and modernizing it. If adopted, those ideas would make Winnipeg a national leader in the protection of […]

WILD AMONG US: exotic pet webinar series – Public registration now open

**For professionals and anyone else interested in the protection of exotic animals** Zoocheck and World Animal Protection invite you to attend our free webinar series on exotic animal issues pertaining to the trade, regulation, seizure and sheltering of exotic animals kept as pets and the associated animal welfare, public health […]

Fight Ontario government plan that will allow every small game license holder to kill up to 1500 cormorants a month!

CLICK HERE TO ADD YOUR COMMENTS ON THE ONTARIO GOVERNMENT’S PLAN TO ALLOW EVERY SMALL GAME LICENSE HOLDER TO KILL UP TO 1500 CORMORANTS A MONTH A short while ago the Ontario government announced, through an Environmental Bill of Rights website posting, their plan to designate cormorants as a “game” […]

First ever wild horse symposium in Alberta June 1st

The first ever symposium on Alberta’s wild horses featuring a day of informative and inspiring presentations about wild horse history, culture, management and protection by leading scientists and experts and an evening keynote address (7 pm) by renowned Alberta historian Dr. Max Foran. Price includes day presentations, evening keynote and […]