
Reflections on Captive Fish Prompted by New Quebec Aquarium Proposal

Opinion commentary by Rob Laidlaw (May 31, 2023) (scroll to bottom to see text of December 11, 2022 Facebook post about proposed aquarium) As a young child I developed a fascination with wildlife of all kinds. At some point that I can’t remember I became particularly interested in fish and […]

Dispensable lives, zoos and culling (Guest Opinion Editorial)

Guest Opinion Commentary – March 2023 by Shubhobroto Ghosh, Wildlife Research Manager of World Animal Protection (India), author of Dreaming in Calcutta And Channel Islands Following news of zoos and animals in captivity as I do regularly, some recent news of animals being intentionally killed in zoos caught my eye. […]

Support the Jane Goodall Act

A BIG STEP FORWARD FOR ANIMAL PROTECTION IN CANADA DO YOUR PART TO MAKE SURE IT BECOMES LAW! On March 22, 2022, Senator Marty Klyne reintroduced the Jane Goodall Act to the Senate of Canada. The proposed Bill S-241 is a updated version of a bill introduced by Senator Murray […]

Opinion: A Bird Artist Perspective on Birds in Zoos

By Barry Kent MacKay (September 9, 2022) As a part-time professional bird illustrator, I visit a lot of zoos to look at, and sketch, birds. But as a naturalist, a bird-lover, and part time professional animal protectionist, as well as an artist, I spend a lot more time observing birds […]

Say no to large or venomous reptiles in downtown Toronto

MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD TO PROTECT ANIMALS AND PEOPLE PLEASE ACT TODAY! THERE IS LESS THAN ONE WEEK TO GO! A private zoo business called Reptilia applied for an exemption to the prohibited animal provisions in the City of Toronto’s “Animal Control Bylaw”. The exemption would allow them to keep […]

Yupik, el oso polar mexicano muere en el zoológico de Morelia sólo un día antes de que Estados Unidos pueda avanzar

12 de noviembre de 2018 para su publicación inmediata. Según el zoológico Benito Juárez en Morelia, México, el oso polar Yupki murió esta mañana debido a “complicaciones en su salud”. Todavía no se sabe si el zoológico sacrificó a Yupi o si la encontraron ya muerta en su recinto. La […]

Yupi the polar bear dead at Morelia Zoo

November 12, 2018 For Immediate Release Yupi the Mexican polar bear dead at Morelia Zoo just one day before US can move forward According to the Benito Juarez Zoo in Morelia, Mexico, Yupi the polar bear died this morning due to “complications in her health.” It is not yet known […]

Declaración acerca de Yupik la Osa Polar Mexicana – El Zoológico de Morelia Zoo y el Gobernador Sabotean el Futuro de Yupik

Medical examination reports and letters (Spanish) Con gran pesar compartimos la triste noticia que la noche del 23 de Febrero, a días de finalizar un esfuerzo masivo de varios años, el Parque Zoológico Benito Juárez (Zoológico de Morelia) y el gobernador de Michoacán, Silvano Aureola, incumplieron abruptamente el acuerdo legal […]

Morelia Zoo and Governor Sabotaging Yupik’s Future

It is with heavy hearts that we share the sad news that last night Friday 23nd of February, just days before a massive multi-year effort was about to be finalized, the Parque Zoologico Benito Juarez (Morelia Zoo) and the Governor of Michoacán, Silvano Aureoles, abruptly breached the legal agreement with […]